Source code for cryptrality.exchanges.backtest_binance_futures

import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
from binance.helpers import round_step_size
from binance.client import Client
from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIException
from cryptrality.misc import (
from cryptrality.core import (
from cryptrality.__config__ import Config
from numpy import ndarray, array, append
from copy import deepcopy
import cryptrality.exchanges.binance_common as bc
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

config = Config()


    client = Client()
except BinanceAPIException:
    client = Client(tld='us')

FEES = config.FEES

[docs]def load_klines_from_file(file_name: str) -> Iterator[List[str]]: """ Read the historical data from a csv file, return a list of each line in the csv split as a list (a list of list) """ with xopen(file_name, "rt") as kline_in: for kline in kline_in: yield kline.strip().split(",")
def klines_translate( data: Iterator[Any], symbol: str, period_str: str ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]]]: for candle in data: yield bc.list_to_klines(candle, symbol, period_str)
[docs]def write_klines_to_file(klines_data, file_name): """ Write the kline data -eg retrieved from an API call- to a csv file """ with xopen(file_name, "wt") as kline_out: for kline in klines_data: kline_out.write("%s\n" % ",".join(map(str, kline)))
[docs]class Runner(RunnerClass): """ A class that coordinate the websocket stream, store, check anv validate ochl data and various information and synchronize the execution of the strategy handlers """
[docs] def setup_data( self, schedule: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable, List[str], int]]], start: str, end: str, state: State, ) -> None: """ Read the schedule decorator from the strategy code and initialize the connection with the websocket, subscribing to the requested channels, and setup the execution schedule for each handlers """ self.state = state self.schedule = [] self.next_execution = {"timestamp": None, "intervals": []} for param in schedule: period_info = { "interval": param["interval"], "interval_minutes": str_to_minutes(param["interval"]), "symbols": [], "window_size": param["window_size"], "fn": param["fn"], } symbols = param["symbols"] if isinstance(symbols, str): period_info["symbols"].append(symbols) elif isinstance(symbols, list): for symbol in symbols: if symbol not in period_info["symbols"]: period_info["symbols"].append(symbol) self.schedule.append(period_info) self.trading_pairs += period_info["symbols"] self.trading_pairs = list(set(self.trading_pairs)) self.get_candles(start, end)
[docs] def get_candles(self, start: str, end: str) -> None: """ Look in the cache folder if a name-matching file exists, request the historical data with an API call. Return a generator that merge all requested symbols and periods sorted by closing time, and return them ad binance the kline stream websocket format """ historical_data = {} for period_info in self.schedule: period = period_info["interval"] historical_data[period] = {} for symbol in period_info["symbols"]: klines_data_name = os.path.join( CACHED_KLINES_PATH, "%s.csv.gz" % "_".join( [ "binance_futures", symbol, period, start.replace("-", "_"), end.replace("-", "_"), ] ), ) if not os.path.exists(CACHED_KLINES_PATH): os.makedirs(CACHED_KLINES_PATH) if os.path.exists(klines_data_name) and os.path.isfile( klines_data_name ): start_data = load_klines_from_file(klines_data_name) else: min_period = str_to_minutes(period) date_object1 = datetime.strptime(start, "%d-%m-%y") date_object2 = datetime.strptime(end, "%d-%m-%y") from_time = round_time( date_object1, round_to=60 * min_period ) to_time = round_time( date_object2, round_to=60 * min_period ) ts = int(from_time.timestamp()) * 1000 ts2 = int(to_time.timestamp()) * 1000 Runner.loggers["main"].info( "Caching %s klines for %s" % (period, symbol) ) start_data = client.futures_historical_klines( symbol, period, start_str=ts, end_str=ts2 ) write_klines_to_file(start_data, klines_data_name) historical_data[period][symbol] = klines_translate( start_data, symbol, period ) self.klines = sync_klines(historical_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def user_data_handler( k: Dict[ str, Union[ str, int, Dict[str, Union[str, int]], Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]], Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]], ], ] ) -> None: """ Handlers for the user streams, it receive and parse position information, orders status information and configuration information (eg leverage changes) Depending on the message it will add or close position object in the symbol position list, update and react to order filling status update. """ message_type = k["e"] if message_type == "ACCOUNT_UPDATE": # Position info here try: positions_info = k["a"]["P"] except KeyError: pass if len(positions_info) > 0: position = positions_info[0] symbol = position["s"] position_amount = float(position["pa"]) entry_price = float(position["ep"]) try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None if ( last_position and last_position.is_open and position_amount == 0 ): # closing last position last_position.close() else: # create/update new position add_position = False if last_position: if last_position.is_closed: add_position = True else: last_position.update( position_amount, Runner.current_time, entry_price, ) else: add_position = True if add_position: new_position = Position( symbol, position_amount, entry_price ) Runner.positions[symbol].append(new_position) else: Runner.positions[symbol][-1] = last_position elif message_type == "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE": order_id = k["o"]["i"] symbol = k["o"]["s"] try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None if last_position is None: Runner.loggers["main"].warning("Create a new position obj") last_position = Position(symbol, 0, None) Runner.positions[symbol].append(last_position) orders_ids = [ for o in last_position.orders] try: updated_order = orders_ids.index(order_id) except ValueError: updated_order = None if updated_order is None: Runner.loggers["main"].warning( "Order %i is not recorder " "in the system" % order_id ) else: order_status = k["o"]["X"] new_status = OrderStatus( bc.order_status_msg_to_enum[order_status] ) filled_quantity = float(k["o"]["z"]) order_time = int(k["o"]["T"]) order_price = float(k["o"]["ap"]) last_position.orders[updated_order].status = new_status last_position.orders[ updated_order ].filled_quantity = filled_quantity last_position.orders[updated_order].created_time = order_time last_position.orders[ updated_order ].executed_quantity = filled_quantity last_position.orders[ updated_order ].executed_price = order_price last_position.orders[updated_order].fees = ( filled_quantity * order_price * FEES ) if new_status == OrderStatus.Filled: if last_position.orders[updated_order].close_position: realized_profit = float(k["o"]["rp"]) last_position.exit_price = order_price last_position.exit_time = Runner.current_time last_position.pnl = realized_profit elif message_type == "ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE": # leverage info here try: event_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(Runner.current_time / 1000) update_leverage = k["ac"]["l"] symbol = k["ac"]["s"] # Runner.loggers["main"].info( # "%s Update leverage to %iX for symbol %s" # % (event_time, update_leverage, symbol) # ) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def candle_data_handler( self, candle: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] ) -> None: """ Check for orders limits at every update. This handles if_touched orders, where the limit is specified in the order object, if the limit is breached in the specified direction a market (or limit) order is sent to the exchange. This handler will also check for limit expiration (eg set the limit expires after 10 second than need to be cancelled, and eventually filled with a market order) """ current_symbol = candle["s"] candle_open = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(candle["t"] / 1000) Runner.current_price[current_symbol] = float(candle["c"]) # In live trading here we could check for market stop orders # set in the bots (not registered to the exchange) # hence we also need an abstract method to trigger the # order: We need an Order object as well try: last_position = Runner.positions[current_symbol][-1] except KeyError: last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None if last_position is None or last_position.is_closed: return types_to_monitor = [ OrderType.IfTouched, OrderType.Limit, OrderType.MakerLimit, ] status_to_monitor = [ OrderStatus.Created, OrderStatus.PartiallyFilled, OrderStatus.Pending, ] for i in range(len(last_position.orders)): order = last_position.orders[i] if order.type in types_to_monitor: if order.status not in status_to_monitor: continue order_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( order.created_time / 1000 ) if order_time > candle_open: continue quantity = order.quantity trigger_side = order.trigger_side close_current_position = order.close_position check_iftouched = False if trigger_side and order.type == OrderType.IfTouched: if trigger_side == 1: if float(candle["h"]) >= order.limit_price: check_iftouched = True elif trigger_side == -1: if float(candle["l"]) <= order.limit_price: check_iftouched = True else: if order.type == OrderType.Limit: if trigger_side == 1: if float(candle["h"]) >= order.limit_price: order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( current_symbol, abs(quantity), "SELL", order.limit_price, order.created_time, close_current_position, ) order_filled["o"]["i"] = if close_current_position: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, 0, 0 ) else: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, quantity, order.limit_price, ) Runner.messages += [order_filled, position_new] elif trigger_side == -1: if float(candle["l"]) <= order.limit_price: order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( current_symbol, abs(quantity), "BUY", order.limit_price, order.created_time, close_current_position, ) = if close_current_position: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, 0, 0 ) else: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, quantity, order.limit_price, ) Runner.messages += [order_filled, position_new] if check_iftouched and order.side == OrderSide.Buy: side_str = "BUY" order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( current_symbol, abs(quantity), side_str, order.limit_price, candle["t"], close_current_position, ) last_position.orders[i].id = order_new["o"]["i"] if close_current_position: position_new = account_update(current_symbol, 0, 0) else: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, quantity, order.limit_price ) Runner.messages += [order_new, position_new, order_filled] while len(Runner.messages) > 0: msg = Runner.messages.pop(0) self.msg_handler(msg) elif check_iftouched and order.side == OrderSide.Sell: side_str = "SELL" order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( current_symbol, abs(quantity), side_str, order.limit_price, candle["t"], close_current_position, ) last_position.orders[i].id = order_new["o"]["i"] if close_current_position: position_new = account_update(current_symbol, 0, 0) else: position_new = account_update( current_symbol, quantity, order.limit_price ) Runner.messages += [order_new, position_new, order_filled] while len(Runner.messages) > 0: msg = Runner.messages.pop(0) self.msg_handler(msg)
[docs] def msg_handler( self, k: Dict[ str, Union[ str, int, Dict[str, Union[str, int]], Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]], Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]], ], ], ) -> None: """ Read the kline stream messages from the websocket. At every update (lso intra-candle) check if an order was setup to trigger at current price. if the message is a "candle close" message, execute the strategy handlers when the dataset of all symbols is complete. If there are more timeframe in the strategy, the scheduling algorithm will execute the handlers in the same order as in the strategy script (top to bottom) """ try: message_type = k["e"] except KeyError: message_type = None # Receive Positions/Orders/Config update here # Interact with object in the singleton # Maybe convert to a dedicated DB later one if message_type is None: Runner.loggers["main"].warning(k) return elif message_type == "kline": candle = k["k"] current_interval = candle["i"] current_symbol = candle["s"] # Candle handling starts here self.candle_data_handler(candle) # prepare ochl data to pass to the handler functions if candle["x"]: candle_close_time = candle_close_timestamp( candle["t"], current_interval ) if self.next_execution["timestamp"] is None: self.update_executions(candle_close_time, now=True) for schedule in self.schedule: if schedule["interval"] == current_interval: if current_symbol in schedule["symbols"]: try: # update data Runner.historical_klines[current_interval][ current_symbol ] = self.update_ochl( Runner.historical_klines[current_interval][ current_symbol ], candle, schedule["window_size"], ) except KeyError: # init data try: Runner.historical_klines[current_interval][ current_symbol ] = self.update_ochl( {}, candle, schedule["window_size"] ) except KeyError: Runner.historical_klines[ current_interval ] = {} Runner.historical_klines[current_interval][ current_symbol ] = self.update_ochl( {}, candle, schedule["window_size"] ) # Check for execution if self.check_executions(candle_close_time): for schedule in self.schedule: if ( schedule["interval"] in self.next_execution["intervals"] ): data_map = {} for symbol in schedule["symbols"]: try: data_map[ symbol ] = Runner.historical_klines[ schedule["interval"] ][ symbol ] except KeyError: data_map[symbol] = None schedule["fn"](self.state, data_map) # Runner.loggers["exec"].info( # "Exec function %s for interval %s " # "with symbols %s" # % ( # schedule["fn"].__name__, # schedule["interval"], # schedule["symbols"], # ) # ) self.update_executions(candle_close_time) else: self.user_data_handler(k)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_ochl( historical_klines: Dict[str, ndarray], candle: Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]], max_len: int, ) -> Dict[str, ndarray]: """ Update the candlestick data ad every new closed candle. Check for duplicated candles and for missing data in the dataset. In case of duplicate it removes the first entry (keep the last one) and in case of missing data it re-init the ochl data with an additional API call """ kline_dict = { "timestamp": "t", "open": "o", "close": "c", "high": "h", "low": "l", "buy_volume": "Q", "volume": "v", } for key, value in kline_dict.items(): try: historical_klines[key] = append( historical_klines[key], float(candle[value]) ) historical_klines[key] = historical_klines[key][-max_len:] except KeyError: historical_klines[key] = array( [float(candle[value])], dtype=float ) return historical_klines
[docs] def run_forever(self) -> None: """ Loop over all the messages """ for k in self.klines: while len(Runner.messages) > 0: msg = Runner.messages.pop(0) self.msg_handler(msg) if k["E"]: Runner.current_time = k["E"] self.msg_handler(k) """ Simulate websocket messages in binance """ while len(Runner.messages) > 0: msg = Runner.messages.pop(0) self.msg_handler(msg)
[docs]def config_update( symbol: str, leverage: int, timestamp: int ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]: """ Return a small dic, emulating leverage update messages from the user websocket """ config = { "e": "ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE", "E": timestamp, "T": timestamp, "ac": {"s": symbol, "l": leverage}, } return config
[docs]def account_update( symbol: str, quantity: float, price: float ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]]]]: """ Return a dic emulating an open position update message as in the user websocket stream """ try: timestamp = Runner.current_time except KeyError: # API call to get last price here pass position = { "e": "ACCOUNT_UPDATE", "E": timestamp, "T": timestamp, "a": { "m": "ORDER", "B": [ { "a": "USDT", "wb": "122624.12345678", "cw": "100.12345678", "bc": "50.12345678", }, ], "P": [ { "s": symbol, "pa": str(quantity), "ep": str(price), "cr": "200", "up": "0", "mt": "isolated", "iw": "0.00000000", "ps": "BOTH", } ], }, } return position
[docs]def order_trade_update_msg( symbol: str, quantity: float, side: str, price: float, timestamp: int, status: str, order: Optional[ Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]] ] = None, closing: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]]: """ Return a dic emulating an order message as in the user websocket stream. """ if order is None: order = {} if status == "NEW": id = int("".join(map(str, random.sample(range(10), 10)))) order = { "e": "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE", "T": timestamp, "E": timestamp, "o": { "s": symbol, "c": "123abcXYZabc321XYZ", "S": side, "o": "MARKET", "f": "GTC", "q": str(quantity), "p": "0", "ap": "0", "sp": "0", "x": "NEW", "X": "NEW", "i": id, "l": "0", "z": "0", "L": "0", "T": timestamp, "t": 0, "b": "0", "a": "0", "m": False, "R": False, "wt": "CONTRACT_PRICE", "ot": "MARKET", "ps": "BOTH", "rp": "0", "cp": False, }, } elif status == "FILLED": order["o"]["l"] = str(quantity) order["o"]["L"] = str(price) order["o"]["z"] = str(quantity) order["o"]["ap"] = str(price) order["o"]["X"] = status if closing: position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] open_amount = abs(position.quantity) * position.price close_amount = abs(position.quantity) * price if position.quantity < 0: realized_profit = ( open_amount - close_amount - (open_amount * FEES) - (close_amount * FEES) ) else: realized_profit = ( close_amount - open_amount - (open_amount * FEES) - (close_amount * FEES) ) order["o"]["rp"] = str(realized_profit) return order
[docs]def order_trade_update( symbol: str, quantity: float, side: str, price: float, timestamp: int, closing: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]], Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]], ]: """ Convenience function that create orders update both NEW and FILLED messages """ order_new = order_trade_update_msg( symbol, quantity, side, price, timestamp, "NEW" ) order_filled = order_trade_update_msg( symbol, quantity, side, price, timestamp, "FILLED", deepcopy(order_new), closing, ) return (order_new, order_filled)
[docs]def sync_klines( klines_periods: Dict[str, Dict[str, Iterator[Any]]] ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Union[int, str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]]]: """ Generator that synchronize the klines list by closing time """ last_timestamp = 0 buffer_klines = {} buffer_keys = [] for symbol in klines_periods: for period in klines_periods[symbol]: if last_timestamp == 0: buffer_key = "%s_%s" % (symbol, period) buffer_keys.append(buffer_key) buffer_klines[buffer_key] = next( klines_periods[symbol][period] ) last_timestamp = min( [ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(buffer_klines[k]["E"] / 1000) for k in buffer_keys ] ) run_forever = True run = 0 while run_forever: for symbol in klines_periods: for period in klines_periods[symbol]: buffer_key = "%s_%s" % (symbol, period) if buffer_key in buffer_keys: if ( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( buffer_klines[buffer_key]["E"] / 1000 ) == last_timestamp ): yield (buffer_klines[buffer_key]) run += 1 try: buffer_klines[buffer_key] = next( klines_periods[symbol][period] ) except StopIteration: buffer_keys.remove(buffer_key) if len(buffer_keys) > 0: last_timestamp = min( [ datetime.utcfromtimestamp(buffer_klines[k]["E"] / 1000) for k in buffer_keys ] ) else: run_forever = False
def get_index_from_data(candles_list, i=4): for candle in candles_list: yield float(candle[i])
[docs]def get_open_position(symbol: str, side: str) -> Optional[Position]: """ Return the last long/short open position for a symbol, return None otherwise NOTE: The command doesn't perform an API call, so open positions existing before the start of the bot will not be monitored. TODO: Add an API call in case the fist time the position list is created """ open_position = None try: last_positions = Runner.positions[symbol] if len(last_positions) > 0: last_position = last_positions[-1] if last_position.is_open: if side == "LONG" and last_position.quantity > 0: open_position = last_position elif side == "SHORT" and last_position.quantity < 0: open_position = last_position except KeyError: pass return open_position
[docs]def last_price(symbol): """ use the price from the latest websocket update ( it doesn't call the API for the last price) """ try: return Runner.current_price[symbol] except KeyError: return None
[docs]def order_market_amount( symbol: str, quantity: float, leverage: Optional[int] = None ) -> Order: """ Perform a market order for a given quantity at the specified leverage. the quantity is intended as base asset quantity if the quantity is negative the order will be a sell order if positive a buy order """ if leverage: config = config_update(symbol, leverage, Runner.current_time) Runner.messages.append(config) try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None close_current_position = False if last_position and last_position.is_open: if last_position.quantity + quantity == 0: close_current_position = True else: if last_position is None or last_position.is_closed: last_position = Position(symbol, 0, None) Runner.positions[symbol].append(last_position) if quantity > 0: order_side = 0 side_str = "BUY" elif quantity <= 0: order_side = 1 side_str = "SELL" order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( symbol, abs(quantity), side_str, Runner.current_price[symbol], Runner.current_time, close_current_position, ) if close_current_position: position_new = account_update(symbol, 0, 0) else: position_new = account_update( symbol, quantity, Runner.current_price[symbol] ) Runner.messages += [order_new, position_new, order_filled] order = Order(order_new["o"]["i"], symbol, 0, order_side, quantity) order.created_time = Runner.current_time if close_current_position: order.close_position = True Runner.positions[symbol][-1].add_order(order) return order
[docs]def order_limit_amount(symbol, quantity, price, leverage=None, fallback=None): """ Perform a limit order for a given quantity at the specified leverage. the quantity is intended as base asset quantity if the quantity is negative the order will be a sell order if positive a buy order """ if leverage: config = config_update(symbol, leverage, Runner.current_time) Runner.messages.append(config) try: price_precision = Runner.price_precision[symbol] except KeyError: step_size, price_precision = bc.get_step_size_futures(client, symbol) Runner.step_size[symbol] = step_size Runner.price_precision[symbol] = price_precision try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None close_current_position = False if last_position and last_position.is_open: if last_position.quantity + quantity == 0: close_current_position = True else: if last_position is None or last_position.is_closed: last_position = Position(symbol, 0, None) Runner.positions[symbol].append(last_position) stepped_price = round_step_size(price, price_precision) if quantity > 0: order_side = 0 side_str = "BUY" elif quantity <= 0: order_side = 1 side_str = "SELL" order_new, order_filled = order_trade_update( symbol, abs(quantity), side_str, stepped_price, Runner.current_time, close_current_position, ) Runner.messages += [order_new] order = Order( order_new["o"]["i"], symbol, 1, order_side, quantity, stepped_price ) order.created_time = Runner.current_time if close_current_position: order.close_position = True Runner.positions[symbol][-1].add_order(order) Runner.messages += [order_new] return order
[docs]def order_market_value( symbol: str, value: int, leverage: Optional[int] = None ) -> Order: """ Perform a market order for a given value at the specified leverage. the value is intended as quoted asset amount. If the value is negative the order will be a sell order if positive a buy order """ try: step_size = Runner.step_size[symbol] except KeyError: step_size, price_precision = bc.get_step_size_futures(client, symbol) Runner.step_size[symbol] = step_size Runner.price_precision[symbol] = price_precision try: current_price = Runner.current_price[symbol] except KeyError: # API call to get last price here pass quantity = round_step_size(value / current_price, step_size) order = order_market_amount(symbol, quantity, leverage) return order
[docs]def order_limit_value(symbol, value, price, leverage=None, fallback=None): """ Perform a limit order for a given value at the specified leverage. the value is intended as quoted asset amount. If the value is negative the order will be a sell order if positive a buy order """ try: step_size = Runner.step_size[symbol] price_precision = Runner.price_precision[symbol] except KeyError: step_size, price_precision = bc.get_step_size_futures(client, symbol) Runner.step_size[symbol] = step_size Runner.price_precision[symbol] = price_precision stepped_price = round_step_size(price, price_precision) quantity = round_step_size(value / stepped_price, step_size) order = order_limit_amount(symbol, quantity, stepped_price, leverage) return order
[docs]def close_position(symbol): """ it will send an order to the exchange to close the current open position NOTE: I'm not sure if a symbol can have a long and short position at the same time. This mathod assumes there is only 1 position opened """ try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None if last_position and last_position.is_open: quantity = -1 * last_position.quantity order = order_market_amount(symbol, quantity) else: Runner.loggers["main"].error("Error: no position to close") order = None return order
[docs]def order_if_touched_amount( symbol, quantity, price_limit, leverage=None, trigger_side=None, trigger_with="market", fallback=None, ): """ Set a price limit and once reached at the desired side (trigger_side equal to 1 is cross under, -1 cross over) if will send a market order to the exchange. """ try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None try: price_precision = Runner.price_precision[symbol] except KeyError: step_size, price_precision = bc.get_step_size_futures(client, symbol) Runner.step_size[symbol] = step_size Runner.price_precision[symbol] = price_precision price_limit = round_step_size(price_limit, price_precision) close_current_position = False if last_position and last_position.is_open: if last_position.quantity + quantity == 0: close_current_position = True else: if last_position is None or last_position.is_closed: last_position = Position(symbol, 0, None) Runner.positions[symbol].append(last_position) if quantity > 0: order_side = 0 elif quantity < 0: order_side = 1 order = Order( None, symbol, 2, order_side, quantity, price_limit, 1, trigger_side ) if leverage: order.update_leverage(leverage) order.update_trigger_mode(trigger_with) order.created_time = Runner.current_time if close_current_position: order.close_position = True Runner.positions[symbol][-1].add_order(order) return order
def order_if_percent_touched_amount( symbol, quantity, price_limit_percent, from_price=None, leverage=None, trigger_side=None, ): if from_price is None: current_price = Runner.current_price[symbol] price_limit = current_price + (current_price * price_limit_percent) else: price_limit = from_price + (from_price * price_limit_percent) order = order_if_touched_amount( symbol, quantity, price_limit, leverage, trigger_side ) return order def cancel_order(symbol, id): try: last_position = Runner.positions[symbol][-1] except KeyError: Runner.positions[symbol] = [] last_position = None except IndexError: last_position = None if last_position is None or last_position.is_closed: Runner.loggers["main"].error( "There are no orders or positions yet for %s" % symbol ) return orders_ids = [ for o in last_position.orders] try: cancel_idx = orders_ids.index(id) except ValueError: cancel_idx = None if cancel_idx: Runner.loggers["main"].info("cancel order %i" % cancel_idx) last_position.orders[cancel_idx].cancel() cancelled_order = last_position.orders[cancel_idx] if cancelled_order.type == OrderType.Limit: # cancel the order also in the exchange pass print(last_position.orders[cancel_idx].status)